What all dogs need and deserve is unconditional love and care from their parents. When we welcome them into our lives, we promise to always be by their side and give them all our love. We feel happy when we see our fur babies growing up well and strive to give them the best life possible.

Unfortunately, there are uncaring owners who do not give their dogs the love and care they need and end up surrendering them to shelters. It breaks my heart to think of the precious puppies sold by owners who promised to take care of them.

These puppies have made sure their families love them. Canines are heartbroken when their parents reject them. They wait for their owners to return and take them to the only place they call home. Carson was one of those loving dogs who was heartbroken after his family abandoned him and left him at the ACCT Philly shelter in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

All Carson wanted was their love and he couldn’t understand why his parents didn’t want him anymore.

Difficult times at the shelter

Carson arrived at the shelter with cuts and bruises on his skin. His owner admitted he never took him to the vet. Finally, they decided to place him in a shelter.

Carson was heartbroken when he entered the shelter. He missed his home and his beloved brothers and sisters. Rejected and very scared, she started shaking in the box. Unfortunately, he was at risk of falling due to extreme anxiety and inability to adapt to the shelter environment.

Desperate to save him, shelter staff posted a heartbreaking video on social media showing the distraught pup shaking uncontrollably in his kennel.

Carson is safe.

As soon as the staff at the Philly Bully Team, a shelter in Philadelphia, saw the image of the terrified dog, they contacted the shelter and took care of Carson.

The rescuers were saddened to see the dog like this. They took Carson to the vet and the pup received a thorough health exam. The vet diagnosed him with an allergy and prescribed the necessary medication. The staff surrounded him with love and care and his skin began to heal.

Rescuers soon found him a foster home, and Carson left the shelter. He loved every caress and caress his caring mother gave him.

Meet the love of your life

Later, the wonderful dog moved to another foster home. His second foster mom, Deanna, said Carson was very sweet when he first came home.

She gave him the love he needed throughout his life, and Carson felt safe in his caring mother’s arms. His eyes were no longer sad – they had become a spark of happiness.

Carson loved his foster mother so much that he applied to adopt her. They were both over the moon when he was officially her puppy.

He is a real teddy bear and always wants to cuddle with his mommy.

“He’s a sensitive dog, like he loves to snuggle. Every opportunity he gets he just climbs right up in my lap… I’m trying to work from home at my office desk and he gets annoyed that I’m not paying him enough attention,” Deanna told The Dodo.

Carson enjoys going on walks with his mom. He feels overjoyed and his whole body wags. He can’t contain his excitement.

Whenever they return from their walk, the first thing Carson does is run to the couch. He starts wagging his tail, and he lets his mom know it’s time for snuggling.

“His main mission in life is to cuddle on the couch with me. And he knows that if he does that I will sit on the couch and snuggle with him and every time, I melt. It’s so adorable. I can’t handle it,” Deanna added.

Love changed Carson’s life completely. The lovely doggo has a big smile on his face and he has never been happier.

He and his mom, Deanna, occasionally post updates about Carson’s dream life on his Instagram account. The sweet pup enjoys playing with his toys and snuggling with his favorite human – his mom.

We’re thrilled that Carson found the happiness and love he needed and deserved.