You might be able to save a ton of time and money by using these tricks. Find out information that a plumber won’t share with you.

The Secrets a Plumber Won’t Tell You

Our busiest day is Monday, when people call us to fix any DIY plumbing projects that went wrong over the weekend. The day following Thanksgiving, also known as Brown Friday, is a similarly hectic day. Sink and toilet pipes get damaged because of the heavy meal served at large family gatherings; consequently, plumbers are frequently called the following day.

The Secrets a Plumber Won’t Tell You

If your washing machine is connected to bare rubber hoses, you run the risk of suffering water damage costing tens of thousands of dollars. These hoses can leak or even burst under constant water pressure.

It’s a good idea to swap them out for no-burst washing machine water hoses, which are covered in a woven metal sleeve to prevent leaks from occurring at weak spots in the rubber.

The Secrets a Plumber Won’t Tell You

For a plumber referral, contact a plumbing-supply or hardware store. These types of businesses don’t accept subpar plumbers, so you can be sure they’ll refer you to the best of the best. Consult with local general contractors; they have relationships with a variety of suppliers and can guide you in your search for a dependable handyman.

The Secrets a Plumber Won’t Tell You

One of the most widespread plumbing myths is the idea that you can save water by putting a brick in the toilet tank, but don’t believe this out-of-date advice. Over time, the brick may fall apart, and the debris could harm the flushing system.

There is nothing worse than a significant water leak in your home, so be aware of where the main turnoff source is.
Make sure you know how to turn off flowing water in advance because it can make people panic.
One of the most important things a homeowner should know to save money and avoid damage is where the main turnoff source is located.

The Secrets a Plumber Won’t Tell You

Watch Out for Long or Shedding HairIf you have a Rapunzel at home, purchase a drain strainer or a hair snare to keep your drain free of hair clogs. These cheap drain snakes are great at removing hairy obstructions if you do encounter them. Clog removal is one of many DIY plumbing fixes you can perform.

The Secrets a Plumber Won’t Tell You

Use Only “Flushable” WipesThese “flushable” wipes are among the main causes of clogged pipes. They do not degrade in the same manner as toilet paper.