Dogs have no idea how painful it is to be abandoned by your family.
Unfortunately, many dogs experience this heartbreak after being abandoned by their cruel owners and forced to continue living on the streets. Scary, sad, and abandoned dogs continue to hope that their owners will pick them up and take them home.
Peggy was one of the injured puppies who was abandoned by her owner. They left her on the side of the road and didn’t really care what happened to her. Lonely and frightened, the dog began howling as if calling for her owner to come back. There was hope in her heart that they would come back for her. She continued to watch the cars passing by, hoping to see the faces of her family.
dog rescuer notices crying dog
a dog howls on the roadside

A dog rescue worker was driving down the road when he saw the heartbreaking sight of a crying dog waiting for his family.
The kind man stopped and began making a plan to save the dog. She didn’t want to scare the dog or get stuck in traffic, so she tread carefully.
A few hours later, the dog’s guardian captured the puppy, who was later named Peggy. During the rescue, the woman recorded video of Peggy screaming and waiting for her family.
A kind rescuer took the dog to the vet. They scanned the dog’s microchip and performed a complete health exam. Other than a minor skin problem, Peggy was in good health. After spending several days at a veterinary hospital, rescuers took her away.
Finding The Love She Always Deserved
The rescue staff posted Peggy’s heartbreaking video online.
They found her a wonderful foster home, and the pooch moved in right away. In the beginning, she seemed timid and scared. Her eyes were full of sadness.
Peggy’s foster family doted on her and gave her a lot of love.
Little by little, the sweet pup began feeling more comfortable.
Once she realized that she was safe, she began to come out of her shell. She seemed resolved to forget her past and enjoy life.
A couple who happened to come across Peggy’s rescue video online felt an immediate connection to her. They filled out the adoption paperwork.
The couple couldn’t wait to welcome her to their home.
Peggy was excited to move in with her forever family. Her parents were very patient with her, and they helped her adjust to her new life.
The pup was still afraid of traffic, so her family started taking her on walks until she got used to it.

With every day she spent with her family, Peggy became happier and more confident.
Thanks to the immense love they gave her, the pup succeeded in letting go of her fears, and she completely settled into her new home.
Peggy felt over the moon because she felt cherished and adored like she always wanted.