Most people who have dogs know that their dogs are very docile and trust us. Then you have a dog that has been abused all its life and needs special care before it can trust anyone again. This is a difficult issue because many dogs have a hard time trusting us. This begs the question: how do we know if our dogs trust us and how can we develop this? In this article, we’ll talk about six easy-to-recognize signs that your dog trusts you.
1. He loves to hug and cuddle

The dog likes to be petted
This is the clearest sign that your dog trusts you. Scientists say that dogs generally like to sleep where they are most comfortable.[1]
If he likes sleeping in your room or sleeps with you, not only will he feel comfortable there, but he will also feel safe there and trust you.
2. He learns every routine
Unlike humans, dogs develop confidence in different ways. If you want your dog to trust you, make sure you have all the conditions your dog needs for life.
That’s why it’s important to develop a routine that you can actively follow with your dog. Meal time is a representative example.
If you teach your dog that dinner is always at 2pm, your dog will learn this over time and trust that you will always bring him something to eat at a certain time.
3. Spinning on the back

The dog lies on its back on the tiles and the man feeds the dog
This is more obvious, but many people may not understand why it is such an important factor. For dogs, the abdomen is the most vulnerable part of the body. So when he lays on his back, bends over, spreads his belly and asks you to rub his belly, it means he trusts you completely.[2]
So don’t ignore it, give it some much needed belly rubs as it has been proven to calm dogs.
- He will follow your example
I think that’s something most people underestimate when it comes to dogs. When your dog is in a new environment or exposed to something he doesn’t understand, he will always look to you for answers and guidance. If he stays calm, stays close to you and waits for your answer, you know he trusts you. - he likes sports
Golden retriever jumps over a woman while walking
Another underrated aspect of confidence is training your dog in creative ways. Of course, this can be a little difficult to do, but it’s important to be patient and always reward your dog when he does the right thing. This will not only help the two of you bond over a fun activity, but it will also increase his confidence in you. But don’t be discouraged if your dog doesn’t always respond well to training. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t always trust you. Some dogs develop a certain wariness around people as a result of years of neglect and abuse, so it may take them a while to fully trust someone. - 6. Eye contact is important
Last but not least is eye contact. This is the most important way to find out if your dog trusts you.
Some studies have shown that eye contact with dogs increases oxytocin levels in both dogs and humans.[3]
That’s why it’s so important to make meaningful eye contact with your dog when you talk or interact with him. This is because it helps build trust. conclusion
As mentioned above, the most important factor in raising a puppy is confidence. Always try to be proactive with your furry friend and try to follow some of the examples mentioned here as they may help you. Be patient with your dog and try to find consistency in his daily routine. As author Sandy Jones said, trust is a funny thing. It takes a long time to build but can be destroyed in seconds.