Any animal lover knows that four-legged animals need to be in certain environments to be happy.
This environment includes a clean, spacious play area and a loving family who reminds you of your worth every day. That’s why when rescuers at the Brandywine Valley SPCA, Pennsylvania’s largest animal welfare organization, heard about 50 animals living in extremely poor and cramped conditions, they knew something had to be done. That’s what I thought.
rescue mission
trailer house dog

When rescuers arrived at the dilapidated mobile home where the animals lived and saw them, they came to a shocking conclusion. There were actually 77 animals in this mobile home, not 50.
This lot included 66 puppies, 9 cats, and 1 parrot. Rescuers were shocked by what they saw, but knew they had to do something to help.
“[They] were all counting on us. It happened so fast.” Sara Smith, Brandywine Valley SPCA director of communications, told The Dodo.
The rescue team wasted no time and immediately got to work securing the animals and transporting them to the Pennsylvania shelter.
Even though the animals were incredibly scared and in pretty rough shape – they were all covered in fleas, and some even had skin conditions – there were no incidents, and all of them made it out safely.
They were immediately taken to the vet, where they received a thorough checkup, and the ones who were old enough were spayed or neutered and given vaccines, as well as flea treatments.

New Life
As soon as word spread about these poor animals, many generous hoomans opened up their hearts and homes and fostered or adopted them.
Eventually, with time, almost every single animal managed to find a loving forever home where they were finally able to live the life they deserved all along.
The parakeet, in particular, was the first one that was adopted by a local bird expert who already had five other birds, providing it with friends to live and play with.
Only five dogs and six cats remained in the care of the SPCA, waiting to find a home of their own. Nevertheless, they, too, are in very good hands, surrounded by hoomans who shower them with love and affection every single day.

I am sure that with some time, they will also be adopted by loving families who will provide them with a happy and healthy life!
Final Word
This instance further proves that a united community truly can change lives.
If it weren’t for these incredible rescuers, fosters, and adopters, who knows what would have happened to all of these animals?
Thanks to their efforts, all 77 of them will be able to forget about their past and lead a life full of fun adventures, incredible playdates, and days spent with hoomans who love them with all their hearts.Thank you!