There is no good reason to give up a puppy that has given its owner nothing but unconditional love.

People who easily abandon their dogs often take them for granted and don’t realize that these adorable animals have feelings too. Fortunately, there are always good Samaritans ready to help our four-legged friends and take them to shelters, but that rarely heals the wounds of betrayal by their owners.

tears behind bars

Being housed in a shelter is a much better option than being outside without food, water or a warm place to sleep, but still not a warm home and a loving family. A dog pictured in one of New Mexico’s High Plains Humane Society (HPHS) partner shelters wants hugs, attention and a loving owner who won’t betray him.

barking dog at the shelter

HPHS is dedicated to rescuing animals from abuse and neglect in Curry County and surrounding areas. The organization promotes positive events as well as dog ownership and abandonment issues.

HPHS staff regularly photograph dogs at our shelter and partner shelters. So they came across a dog that was completely devastated and even in tears. sad dog lying on the pavement

The puppy was so sad behind the kennel gate that staff decided to take pictures of him behind bars to show the reality of life for abandoned dogs.

These photos are heartbreaking, but the story behind them is even more pathetic. The little dog looked sad, as if he knew that no one would take him out of the shelter and that he would stay there for the rest of his life.

During the photo shoot, he was seen begging someone to take him home. The dream becomes reality
Staff were delighted to see the dog howling when the photo was posted on the official HPHS Facebook page. Somehow, he knew his time would come. And they weren’t wrong.

Registrations came from all over the world because everyone wanted to adopt a puppy named “Crying Dog”. Volunteers at the shelter chose the woman as the best choice for the dog. Because she was able to give the puppy a permanent home full of love and positive energy, which led to the best outcome for the puppy.

The dog stands on its hind legs next to the woman while petting her

The story of the “crying dog” has become so popular that some people still contact the shelter, even though the dog was adopted a long time ago. HPHS said it actually removed the original post containing the doggo photo and updated it to make sure everyone understood what was going on.

We do appreciate the kind, concerned callers wanting to adopt her; however, the dog was adopted that day, 4 years ago.

But, there are still plenty of wonderful pooches that deserve to be adopted, so I hope those interested in adopting Crying Dog have found another one that needs a home, too.