I’ve heard of unusual dog behavior before, but this is the first time.
At first glance, Cathy looks like any other dog (some people say she’s just an ordinary pet), but in reality, Cathy is a superhero in disguise. He is smart, funny and has learned some very impressive skills for a dog.
This technique quickly became a habit, and the owner found himself asking the vet for his opinion, which made the whole office laugh.
very strong dog
A dog dressed in clothes sits on the sofa

It all started by chance a few years ago when Katie’s owner Michelle saw her doing something special.
“Katie taught herself the basic workings of static electricity,” Michelle told The Dodo.
Katie was basically rolling around on the carpet, which she usually does for fun, when all of a sudden, she got up and approached Michelle’s foot for a quick sniff.
But, when Katie’s little nose touched Michelle’s foot, it happened – zap!
Katie gave Michelle a light electric shock, which probably built up through the friction of rolling around on the carpet.
And, it turned out that Katie absolutely loved it. Her tail immediately began to wag.
It didn’t take long for her to learn that by rolling around, she could produce these ‘zaps’, and she was obviously doing it intentionally after some time.
“She got better at building charges. The zaps became more noticeable to the point where you could hear the static cracking in her fur before she zapped you. It became pretty obvious it was intentional,” Michelle said.
‘Zaps’ are now a regular daily habit of Michelle and Katie’s lives.
Whenever Katie sees Michelle, she greets her with a zap. “We’ll usually thank her: ‘Thanks for the zap, Katie. Very much appreciated,’” Michelle said.
Katie’s Love Of Wielding Electricity

It’s obvious that Katie just loves being zapped and giving her household members little electric shocks.
Everyone is convinced that she thinks they love it, too.
Generally, they love her superpower, but there have been a few times when it turned out to be problematic.
Once, Katie’s zap broke an e-reader, and another time, it caused Michelle’s laptop to bug.
“We now do our best to keep the newer, more expensive electronics out of zapping range from her,” Michelle said.
To be completely safe and at peace, Michelle eventually contacted her veterinarian to ask them for a professional opinion.
She even shared a video to show them exactly what and how she does it.
To her surprise, the veterinarian and their whole team found it hilarious.
Katie’s zaps were nothing but hilarious, and she even got professional approval to keep doing it.
She takes it seriously, so she keeps zapping her owners a couple of times a day.
“She seems to honestly enjoy the sensations. In fact, the bigger the zap, the faster her tail wags, and she’ll run off to try to build a bigger charge in those cases. She seems to think the zaps brings us as much happiness as it does her, so we’re typically happy to oblige and give her a head scratch. Dogs are so precious, each one filled with their own special quirks,” Michelle said.
In the end, those little zaps do indeed bring happiness to the whole household because having Katie with all her special quirks equals a lot of happiness.