Birth is always painful, but this is a special time for dog owners! If you’ve witnessed this, you’ll know that there are few things in the dog world that compare to the beauty of a dog-puppy relationship.
In March, Tanya Dabbs of Pocahontas, Virginia, was supposed to witness this sight, but little did she know that her mother, Namin, would be the subject of America’s top news!
This 2-year-old Great Dane gave birth to 21 puppies in 27 hours!
one of the largest nests
A great Danish mother lays down with her newborn cubs.
Tanya and her family were shocked to discover that Namina’s bedding had exceeded all their expectations. Being one of the largest dog breeds in the world, Tanya was expected to have a larger litter of up to 13-14 puppies.
Even at 16, he and his family didn’t think the total would exceed 20, but after 27 long hours of work, it did!
A Danish grandmother breastfeeds her young.
Unfortunately, two puppies died within hours of birth, leaving Naminé with 19 puppies. Almost all weighed more than one kilogram at birth, and two weighed less. One weighed 94 ounces and the other was 98 ounces.
Now that mother’s milk poses a bit of a logistical problem, Tanya makes sure all the puppies are well fed and gives some of them bottles if they don’t eat them naturally. Newborn Great Dane puppy eating from a bottle
That’s a huge number, and despite being one of the largest litters in the world, Tia, a Neapolitan Mastiff, still holds the world record for giving birth to 24 puppies per litter.
Last year he survived a life-threatening accident
This beautiful mother puppy has a special story. Last year, she ran away from home at night with her younger brother, Maleficent, and was hit by a truck, injuring her back and eye.
“My sweet Namine and Malificent escaped this evening. Malificent came back… Namine has not. I was told that she got hit by a car,” Tanya posted that night.
Luckily, she got patched up sixteen hours later and suffered no life-threatening repercussions after all.
Living The Pawfect Little Life With Her Family
Tanya’s plan is to sell all the puppies since they’re all weaned by now. She’s planning to donate some of the money that she receives from selling them to Tazewell County Animal Shelter, in Bluefield, Virginia.
Luckily, Namine already has a big family of hoomans and doggo siblings so she won’t feel alone after all. She’s a big doggo girl that enjoys spending days with her loved ones, and even though her puppies won’t be there anymore, she’ll always receive lots of love!
But, receiving love isn’t exactly all she has in mind, as she’s quite a giver, too! Namine enjoys showing love to her hoomans, as well as taking care of the little ones! Just like all Great Danes, she’s a Great nanny to children, and she absolutely adores taking care of the