When we hear that a dog is needed, we take action! From rough street situations to new beginnings full of pure joy, this heartwarming story shows that love and time really do heal.

rescue mission

A dog with an injured leg is lying on the street

After hearing that there was an injured dog on the street, the rescue team rushed to help. Unfortunately, they didn’t have a good view. The dog had necrotic legs and was unable to walk or find shelter and food. The rescuers quickly assessed the situation and decided to give him food first to show that they believed in them and were willing to help. After finishing the meal, the animal was carefully placed in a vehicle and taken to the animal hospital.

recovery path

His injuries were serious and required surgery. When he lost a lot of blood, a very fluffy and friendly dog ​​named Tagir came to him and donated. If he does not meet his generosity, he will be sad. Thank you, Tar!

Hug the dog lying on the floor

The surgery was successful, and the dog was again stable, but unfortunately, necrosis was so heavy that it cut the legs. His eyes were very heavy and full of sadness, and on one occasion he embraced his savior and wept.

He was given antibiotics which made him tired but his appetite improved. Although the nutritious food she ate helped, her stress still took its toll. Fortunately, one of the rescuers stayed with him during the recovery.

New beggining

He named him Zangar and even adopted him into a loving home. It took them a while to get used to their mother’s dogs and their new siblings, but eventually they all became good friends. Zangar’s road to recovery was long and arduous, but he got there. At first he had to lift his front legs to walk on his back legs, which caused the muscles to develop and activate. After much effort, he was able to stand up and walk on his own!

The poor dog sitting on the ground with an injured leg

Her days were filled with lots of hugs, fun and love, and her recovery was much faster and less painful.

Now those sad eyes are long gone and forgotten, replaced by eyes full of joy and happiness. He enjoys spending time with his canine friends as well as his two-legged friends who he knows are doing it for him.

happy dog ​​on a leash

the last word

It was clear that Janhar had been hurt for a long time and no one was there to help. If that had been the case, much more positive results could have been achieved. So if you see an animal in need, contact your local vet or animal shelter to save their life!