All dogs dream of having wonderful human parents who will make them feel the adoration they deserve. They need this love in order to be truly happy. It’s sad to know that so many heartless dog owners betray their loyal furry companions and abandon their dogs as if they meant nothing to them.

Hammy was one of those puppies who had a family he trusted and loved. Unfortunately, his cruel owners let him down when they hurt him, threw him out of the car, and drove off.

The cute dog considered them family, but did not understand that they no longer needed him. He ran behind their car and tried to catch up to them.

cute puppy rescue

the dog is in front of the fireplace

A kind-hearted man witnessed the sad scene. As he was leaving Dollar General, he saw a cute dog chasing the cars of people who had abandoned him. The man was heartbroken. He immediately ran to rescue the dog. The dog didn’t want to go home, but the man managed to persuade him and took him home. The puppy, who was later named Hammy, appears to have been raised with great care.

The man and his partner took him to the vet for tests. Hammy did not have a microchip. The couple posted photos and stories on social media, but no one contacted them.

Hammie Starts A New Life In His Forever Home

Hammie spent the first couple of days sleeping. 

Since nobody claimed the delightful pooch, the couple decided to give him a forever home and love him like he deserved.

The doggo was very nervous and afraid that his new parents would leave him just like his previous owners did.

“He would panic if we stepped away at all,” Hammie’s mom told GeoBeats Animals.

The adorable canine is still nervous. When he sees certain people and images, he starts barking. Hammie likes to hold onto his pillows for comfort. His family makes sure the pup avoids people who trigger his anxiety.

His canine sisters helped him relax and regain his confidence. They played with him and reminded him of how to be a dog again.

Hammie’s family adores him and they feel lucky to have him.

“I mean he is great, I don’t know how to say he’s just loving. He loves our kids, he loves the dogs,” the pup’s mom added.

Love Changed Hammie’s Life

The love that Hammie received in his new home turned him into a different dog. His family is in love with his personality and his playfulness.

“He will snatch your shoe and take off running and then just you chase him all over the house. He’s a whole different dog now. I was going to say person, but he is just a completely different dog, Hammie’s mom said.

The lovely pooch enjoys being close to his family and following them everywhere. If they’re doing chores, he is right there with them.

He lives his best life with his forever family in Indianapolis, Indiana. He has a lot of love to give and he’s a real cuddle bug. He loves snuggling with his parents, especially with his dad.

“He just loves to lay on me. I can’t go anywhere or sit anywhere. He’s coming right in my lap every time,” Hammie’s dad said.

The sweet pup often posts about his everyday activities on his Instagram. He loves napping, cuddling with his parents, and playing with his canine sisters.

Hammie feels immensely loved and cherished in his home. The wonderful Indiana boi found the happiness that he deserved all along.