It’s not uncommon to see dogs become jealous when they feel another puppy is encroaching on their “territory”.
This is best seen in a two-dog family, when one dog believes the other deserves more love and affection from their loved one. Then the real problem arises.
But a heartwarming video shows that this is not always the case, and there are still living examples. In that video, we can clearly see that our best friends still love each other in their hearts, even if it doesn’t seem like it at first.
uninterrupted connection
Two dogs sitting together on the sofa

Hannah Mousvi from New Jersey has had a 17-year-old dog named Huanger for a long time, and now he’s a full-fledged member of the family. Despite the age difference, he and his younger brother Toby, who is about 10 years younger than him, get along well and support each other.
Since Huang’er is a very old dog, it is not surprising that he sometimes feels sick. It was as if one day Huang’er was sick and lying in bed without moving.
But soon something happened that melted Hanna’s heart. Hwang-ah’s younger brother, Toby, suddenly appeared, buried his head in his fur, and began to comfort his older brother.
“Toby likes to act as Huang’er’s protector,” Hannah told Newsweek. “They do everything together, and that morning Huang was particularly anxious, so Toby walked over to his bed and just kept nestling his nose in his fur.”
It was so sweet to see Toby picking up on his older brother’s need that Hannah didn’t have any other choice than to record everything and share the video on TikTok with her followers.
@teenytoby Toby’s brother usually like to have his space but not today🥹#foryou#dogperson#dog#puppy#dogmom#pup#cute#cutepuppy#pet#dogsoftiktok#chihuahuastiktok#petsoftiktok#chihuahua#bestfriend♬ My Love Mine All Mine – Mitski
Just as she expected, this video attracted a lot of attention and generated many reactions, most of which were positive.
“Toby looks like he’s telling his brother secrets♥️♥️♥️so sweet,” one wrote.
“😭😭😭😭 I’m not crying, your crying 💓💓💓,” another user stated.
And, the third quipped: “I can’t love this enough ❤️❤️❤️.”
What followed after Hannah turned off the camera is the best proof of how much his little brother’s love means to Huang’er.
“You can’t see it in the video, but Huang’er had a moment after I stopped recording where he just lay his head down on the pillow and you could sense him just relax. Toby did such a good job.” Hannah said in the end.
Journey Towards True Love
Huang’er was brought to New Jersey many years ago by Hannah’s sister, Sarah, from a far country. However, Huang’er quickly adapted to the new environment and new people, becoming a loving member of the family.
Since he was the only “child” of his mom, Hannah, for a while, he was not happy when the tiny Chihuahua, Toby, appeared out of nowhere. Toby was very lively and playful, and Huang’er had already accepted a calmer life, so their energies did not match in the beginning.
But, at some point, things started to change for the better.
“Over time, they became the little twins you see today. Huang’er is still over it sometimes though, and we get it. A 10-year age gap makes a big difference in energy levels,” Hannah said.
When Huang’er grew old and almost completely blind, Toby’s life mission became to take care of his old bro. The video you had the chance to watch is actually the culmination of their long-term relationship that had its ups and downs.

However, it is difficult to find the perfect relationship or an ideal love that doesn’t have peaks and valleys. So, the most important thing is that compassion, love, and friendship win in the end, no matter how hard the road is.
It is this canine bond immortalized in the video that celebrates that victory and breaks down all the stereotypes related to it.