It’s hard to start your life on the street and it can be even harder to end it on the street. Dogs know this because their whole world revolves around their loving family. The little old dog faced a dark fate as he lived on the streets late into the night, alone and without anyone to help him. In addition, he had several health problems that made the situation difficult. But one day his fate may change and a new life may finally begin.

Mr. Little survived on the streets.

woman raising a dog

One day in the early summer of 2021, rescuers from True & Faithful Pet Rescue found a puppy wandering the streets. He was a Pomeranian mix.

He was so small that people called him Mr. We decided to call him Little. Despite his size, Little was actually a large dog, estimated to be around 12 years old.

As the years passed, many health problems arose. He could not walk on his hind legs, his heart was enlarged and he had heart murmurs. He was also partially blind. For various surgeries, such as perineal hernia surgery, dental treatment, and castration, an echocardiogram was required to obtain permission for surgery.

But with the help of some compassionate people, this brave little warrior won. I gave him a wheel so he could walk on his hind legs and he took heart medicine and coughed for a long time.

dog on wheels

Nothing stopped her from continuing to celebrate her new life and look forward to a new day and a future. Soon the future brought great happiness to this little puppy.

He Quickly Became A Family Favorite

On July 6, 2023, True and Faithful Pet Rescue posted some happy news on their official Instagram profile.

“We made it to Virginia,” they wrote. “We are a few hours out and will post all pictures and videos of this incredible senior adoption!!”

Mr. Little was heading to his new home in Lake Caroline, Virginia, to the @peewee_brigade to meet his wonderful new parents, as well as his new canine brother and sister, Joey, and Kiku.

Joey and Kiku were rescued senior dogs as well. They were still sad because of the loss of their sister, Cindy, who passed away not too long ago, but the arrival of their new brother healed the wound in their hearts and brightened their future days.

Rocket, as his new mom named him, quickly integrated into the crew and everyone loved him very much. He especially became friends with Joey, with whom he became inseparable.

“Joey and Rocket are both almost blind,” their mom said for GeoBeats Animals. “They seek each other out. And then when they’re touching, they stop and hang out.”

It’s no wonder that Joey took such a liking to him immediately and that they got along so well.

But, Joey wasn’t the only one who fell in love with Rocket because this cute little pup quickly became the favorite neighborhood dog.

It didn’t stop there because Rocket even earned the title of favorite Instadog on their official Instagram profile, and his video became the most viewed of all.

From a semi-paralyzed dog found on the street, Rocket became the most loved dog in the family, as well as an Instagram star.

Every Moment With Him Was Perfect


Rocket’s new family did everything to make him feel good, going through all possible therapies with him, helping him to walk more easily, and providing him with a special diet.

Unfortunately, the years took their toll and that sad day had to come eventually. On December 21, 2022, his mom posted heartbreaking news on her Instagram profile.

“It’s with a heavy heart that I tell you Rocket passed away yesterday. Every moment of his short time with us was perfect. He was a loving, calm, and precious soul ❣️” she wrote.

Rocket, previously known as Mr. Little, crossed the rainbow bridge and left his family, as well as many other people who fell in love with him, in tears.

However, there were also tears of joy because instead of being on the cold street, he ended his earthly life in a warm home with a loving family. And, every moment with him was a gift from God.