Tom Hanks, a legendary actor in Hollywood, was in a downcast mood following Mehran Karimi Nasseri’s passing on Wednesday. Hanks paid a moving tribute to the man after his passing.

Iranian refugee Mehran, whose application to enter France was denied, constructed his home in Terminal 1’s departure area after losing his refugee passport.

The 2004 film “The Terminal,” starring Tom Hanks as an Eastern European man compelled to live in the terminal of the John F. Kennedy Airport, was based on him. As a result of being denied entry, Kennedy Airport.

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Tom shared a picture on his Facebook page of Mehran in an airport scene next to a promotion for the film The Terminal, which also starred Catherine Zeta-Jones.

The actor who played Forrest Gump paid a heartfelt tribute to his friend and said, “We are heartbroken to learn of the tragic demise of Charles de Gaulle’s Mehran Karimi Nasseri, also known as Alfred. The airport is not that bad, the traveler argued. “.

Tom removed the commenting feature from his post, but it still received a lot of reader interest—getting over 21,000 likes in less than 30 minutes.

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After accidentally mailing his paperwork to Belgium after misplacing and losing paperwork, Mehran was left with no choice but to live in the airport because he needed somewhere else to go. After being expelled from Iran for participating in protests, his initial plan was to apply for asylum in the UK.

In that location, he resided from 1988 to 2006. Because he required medical attention, he was forcibly removed from the airport in 2006. Before being transferred to a homeless shelter in Paris, he spent some time in a hotel.

Mehran eventually went back to living in the airport. Unfortunately, while he was there, he had a heart attack, and this past Saturday, at the age of 76, he passed away.

He was frequently seen in the departure lounge of the airport, where he had spent much of his life studying economics and repeatedly receiving meals from travellers.