The 16-member US National Women’s Team has stated that they will all resign if Lia Thomas, a transgender swimmer known for her exceptional accomplishments, is even given a chance to try out, which has put them in a difficult situation. Coach Joe Barron emphasized that the team’s female members are dedicated to fair play and would rather triumph on their own merits than have a “ringer” who is overqualified join. “.

An individual who is particularly skilled for a given event is referred to as a “ringer,” which frequently results in an unfair advantage. The presence of male genitalia in this instance is a cause for concern because the team’s female members do not want to see them while they are in the locker room.

Their main worry is that they shouldn’t be able to compete with a biological male because they believe that would diminish the world’s respect for what they have accomplished.

Some people question the extent of Lia Thomas’ dominance in comparison to her cisgender competitors, despite the fact that she contends there is no inherent advantage given the excessive media attention she has received for her 11 world records and NCAA Championship victory. However, the team’s opposition to her participation is unwavering.