It’s common for us to grab our camera to capture a special moment. The rise in popularity of selfies, however, has rendered it pointless if there isn’t someone there to capture the moment for us.

However, animals also enjoy posing for the camera.

Social media is flooded with images of animals, and we prefer to see them over our human friends.

A lot of people, however, were won over by this particular animal because he took time out of his exciting day to make sure he didn’t miss the perfect photo opportunity.

This man was enjoying the sun and the sea while out on his boat.

To capture the priceless moment on camera, he took out his camera.

Watch who sneaks up behind the man as he prepares to take a selfie.

However, he wasn’t the only one taking the picture; someone else was interested as well.

He was sitting there with his camera when a seal jumped out of the water and climbed aboard his boat.

He was so shocked that he had to hit record right away to tell everyone about his new acquaintance.

Unaffected by the strange human, the seal started to cuddle up to the man’s shoulder.

Astonished by the seal’s generosity, the man said. This is regarded as being extremely odd because, despite their cuteness, seals can be aggressive.

This seal went completely against the grain when he chose to hang out on his boat with his new human friend.

The man is filming this unusual event and says to the camera, “Here’s my new friend.”.

As a result, two friends are featured in a wonderful movie clip. You can see them posing next to one another in the video below.

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