Steph noticed her son acting oddly when she entered his room. Instead of running around and playing, Colin was still and quiet. She looked closer and saw that he was covered in tiny ticks.

Ticks are tiny arthropods that prey on mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and even people. To obtain food and draw blood, they affix themselves to their hosts.

They are typically non-lethal, but occasionally their saliva can spread dangerous infections like Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Ticks can be extremely difficult to spot and remove, which is why it’s so important to do so.

When doctors and parents took him to the emergency room, they were startled by what they discovered behind his ear

Stephanie quickly called her husband, Dillon, while Collin was sound asleep in bed, looking up at his mother with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. They were shocked to discover that their child had become paralyzed overnight when they brought him to the hospital.

The doctors initially assumed it was because he had hit his head earlier that day before his brother’s baseball game, but they were unable to find any evidence of a concussion, largely because Collin was still able to communicate quite well and wasn’t exhibiting any overt symptoms.

Regrettably, Colin’s health progressively got worse, requiring more in-depth testing and scans. Dillon and Stephanie were devastated to see their child unable to move.

The severity of Collin’s illness made it impossible for him to eat anything when Stephanie and Dillon visited him in the hospital. He was taken right away to a bigger facility with better resources and medical attention because his oxygen levels were starting to drop.

When doctors and parents took him to the emergency room, they were startled by what they discovered behind his ear

His parents realized right away that if they had arrived even a few minutes later, their son might have gone into cardiac arrest and died.

Collin’s problems were caused by a tiny tick implanted behind his ear, which both his parents and the medical staff had missed in their initial examinations, according to extensive research.

His health quickly returned to normal after the parasite was removed from its host’s body. No matter how minor or seemingly unimportant an issue may seem at first glance, this incident demonstrated the need for prompt responses in such medical emergencies and thorough exams.

Tick bites are fairly common, but it’s rare for bug saliva to cause paralysis. Experts in medicine claim that during feeding, a neurotoxin released by tick salivary glands can enter a person’s bloodstream and eventually cause paralysis.

The lesson Collin learned from his experience is that parents should never stop worrying about the security and well-being of their children.

Given that the effects of poisons can be subtle and even life-altering, it is crucial to understand the significance of such circumstances. Tick saliva contains a neurotoxic substance that has been linked to neurological issues like temporary or permanent paralysis, convulsions, coma, and, in some cases, death.

It has been demonstrated that some species contain additional dangerous chemicals that can lead to different types of encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain tissue.

Given these details, it is strongly advised that parents take preventative measures by becoming knowledgeable about the risks associated with tick bites and actively seeking out medical assistance from qualified specialists if they suspect their child has been exposed.

When spending time outside in wooded areas, you may want to use repellents, wear protective clothing, and look out for tick bite symptoms. By being vigilant and taking preventative measures, parents can steer clear of situations like those that Collin’s family experienced.