Hmm, why are Pomeranians the worst dogs?
Don’t you think it’s unfair to call one breed the worst? As a true dog lover, I am destined to love all dogs. So, sure, we may love and become fans of certain dog breeds more than others, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that other dog breeds are immediately bad. All dog breeds have advantages and weaknesses, which are exactly unique and completely special. Some dogs and their character are larger than other dogs in your and your lifestyle. Therefore, it is very important to conduct a complete research of varieties before choosing a specific dog. This will help you understand all the ups and downs and prepare for what may happen in the future. There is no doubt that Pom Pom is one of the most adorable dogs in the world. I like to call them “furballs” because, frankly, that’s what they are.
However, Pomeranians also have their downsides. Certain characteristics of these puppies may make them undesirable to some people. Let’s take a look at what they look like so you can decide for yourself whether they are the worst dog or not. 9 reasons why Pomeranians are the worst dogs
If you are considering adopting a Pomeranian, read these 9 reasons to better understand some of the characteristics of Pomeranians and to get a general understanding of Pomeranians as pets. If you already have a Pomeranian, please don’t feel bad. We promise…we love them too.
1. Poms Can Be Really Sassy

Pomeranians are indeed small dogs; however, they come with a pretty huge personality. Some people might find it very amusing, but others can find it annoying. Generally, these dogs love to be in the center of attention, and they can be very manipulative.
Moreover, this is a very popular breed of dog, which also means there is a lot of breeding going around. The problem arises when people are breeding the dogs without much care for the quality and temperament of the puppies.
As a result, you get dogs with unstable temperaments and behavioral issues that can be a lot to deal with. If you are not willing to put some work into training your pet, this might not be the right breed for you.
Nonetheless, they are very smart and relatively easy to train, but they just have their quirks that you have to accept.
2. They Can Also Suffer From Separation Anxiety Disorder
Pomeranians are very affectionate, clingy, and often make a strong bond with their owner, which can also result in a severe case of separation anxiety disorder whenever they are left alone.
If you are someone who works from home, this is not something that should worry you; however, if you always work from 9 to 5 in an office, this might be a problem.
Separation anxiety results in mental and physical stress, which is not good for your pet. They might show signs of destructive behavior and emotional exhaustion as a result of this disorder.
Many Pomeranians cannot stand being left alone for more than two hours, and this is definitely something that you should take into consideration if you are planning to own one.
3. They’re Difficult To Housebreak

Although Pomeranians are highly intelligent and easy to train, as I have mentioned before, you still might encounter some problems with potty training. Usually, toy breeds such as Pomeranians have some problems with housebreaking.
Due to their toy size and small bladder, they will need to go potty more than some other dog breeds. Moreover, it’s often very easy for them to hide somewhere and “do their thing” without you even noticing.
If you don’t notice, you also won’t correct this negative behavior, which will only create a bad habit that is difficult to correct later on.
Read also: Puppy Potty Training Regression: Fixing What’s Broken
4. Poms Quite Often Have Bad Teeth
Unfortunately, when compared to some other breeds, Poms often have more dental issues. Due to their small frame and small jaws, they often suffer from overcrowding and bad teeth that are difficult to clean.
This can lead to many other health issues, such as tooth decay, plaque and tartar build-up, swollen gums, and teeth that fall out. Dental issues can significantly affect the dog’s lifespan if it is left untreated.
5. They Might Be Barking Excessively
Pomeranians are not exactly calm and quiet dogs. They are known for being vocal dogs that love to communicate a lot, and barking is the way to go.
If you live in a building with a lot of neighbors, this might be a problem for you. Pomeranians have a very high-pitched bark that can get on people’s nerves.
When your Pom is barking constantly and unnecessarily at everything, this can also be a sign of a behavioral issue that needs attention.
6. Poms Are High-Maintenance Dogs

If we think of their tough personalities, this statement that they’re quite fragile might seem ridiculous; however, toy dog breeds (including Pomeranians) are known for being incredibly fragile.
Their small size is to blame. Poms can get seriously injured very easily, such as if you step on them accidentally or if they fall somewhere. Playing with other bigger dogs can also be a problem for them, so they require constant surveillance and supervision.
It’s Not All Bad, After All
We’ve listed all the traits that make Pomeranians the worst dogs; however, not everything is as grim as it seems. Pomeranians also have a lot of good characteristics that should be mentioned. For example, Poms are very easy to train. They are very smart, and will quickly learn all new tricks. Additionally, since they are very small, they are the perfect dogs for apartment living, and people who do not have a lot of space to offer. You will also find that these pups get along very well with children, and can make great family dogs. Oh, and if you need to take them somewhere, traveling by plane will not be a problem since they easily fit in a travel bag allowed by plane regulations. A lot of these “bad characteristics” can be prevented with proper training, socialization, and good ownership, so don’t let it be a stumbling block if you are dead set on getting one of these adorable pooches.