Mysterious Discovery

Officers from the Dallas Police Department stumbled upon a young animal next to a dumpster during their routine patrol duty in southern Dallas, Texas. Despite its undeniable cuteness, the officers were puzzled about its identity. Rescuing the creature was the immediate priority, so they ensured its safety until Dallas Animal Services could intervene.

Puppy or Coyote?

The discovery of this enigmatic creature sparked widespread speculation across the country—is it a puppy or a coyote? Dallas Animal Services officials couldn’t definitively determine its species, though it bore a resemblance to a coyote pup. Officer Jacqui Sutherland, acting as its temporary foster parent, leaned towards the domestic side, but its tan coat and distinctive features left room for doubt.

The DNA Test

To put an end to the mystery, a DNA test was deemed necessary. While awaiting the results, the creature was given a name—Toast, adding a touch of charm to its enigmatic presence.

Revealing the Truth

After weeks of anticipation, the DNA results from Embark Vet revealed the truth—Toast is a dog! The genetic makeup unveiled a beautiful mix of German Shepherd, Siberian Husky, and Australian Cattle Dog. Toast’s journey from dumpster to DNA test captured the attention of the internet, culminating in the heartwarming revelation of her true identity.

Finding a Home

With Toast’s breed revealed, the next step was finding her a forever home. Within five minutes, she received numerous adoption applications, demonstrating the power of her heartwarming story. While Toast found her happily ever after, the need for homes for other dogs in the Dallas area remains significant, urging potential adopters to consider opening their hearts to other furry friends in need.