Have you ever met a dog who doesn’t get into mischief every now and then? Me too, but they can all be adorable little troublemakers if given the chance. My child likes to steal food from the table at family gatherings, and sometimes he would try to do it right in front of us.

It’s in their nature and most of the time they end up with interesting stories to tell people. This story is about a woman in Tennessee who left her dog in her car and came back with a blue tongue. Why.

his tongue turned blue

The dog rested its head on the car console

Rhonda Meeks was driving to a local grocery store in Tennessee to buy water when she had to leave her dog Lily alone for a few minutes.

She made sure the air conditioner was running to maintain the right temperature for the dog. But Mix couldn’t even predict what would happen to Lily when she left. She returned to her car and was shocked. Lily’s tongue suddenly turned blue. He entered the store and returned less than three minutes later. What happened in such a short period of time?

Then, it was obvious. Meeks had just started laughing out loud by what happened  she just couldn’t contain herself.

She told The Dodo: When I got in the car, she didn’t look at me at first. She just looked out the window.

So, What Caused It

Well, it didn’t take much time for her to guess what had happened. Meeks left a cup of Blue Icee in her cup holder, and Lily decided to be mischievous and try it herself.

She made emphasis on the fact that the sugar inside the Blue Icee was not toxic for dogs, but it’s best to avoid altogether. 

Why didn’t Meeks just hide it? Well, she didn’t think for a second that Lily would be interested in the Blue Icee.

However, what she does love is regular ice. Meeks said: She absolutely loves loves loves. Any time any of us goes to the refrigerator, she jumps up and runs to it.

In Lily’s eyes, the Blue Icee was close enough to the real deal and that made it okay for her to go for it and try something new.

However, unfortunately for her, evidence was all over her tongue and there was no hiding this one.

The whole event in the end proved out to be a positive one, as Lily got some ice that she craved and Meeks got a good laugh out of it.