It’s critical to protect our pets from the icy weather as the temperature drops. Some people are unaware that dogs can get sick from the cold just like humans do.

Some generous people, however, go above and beyond to protect animals from severe weather. A passerby noticed a dog owner’s adorable method of dog care, and they shared the touching pictures on Facebook.

The day in Cambridge, Massachusetts last month was chilly and windy. At a bus stop in Harvard sq\., Kristina Hollie and a colleague were waiting.

In the meantime, she observed a woman walking her dog. She ran into the post office while the stranger tied the dog to a tree.

However, the owner did something incredibly kind: she gave the dog her jacket because she could see that the dog was shaking from the cold weather.

On Monday, December 16, 2019, Kristina Hollie published a blog entry.

According to Kristina, “She immediately took off her jacket and covered the dog as he sat.”. She may have bent over and zipped it up around him because she thought he would kick it off.

She just replied, “Thank you! I don’t want him to be cold!” Kristina didn’t let the nice gesture go unnoticed and thanked the woman for taking care of her dog.

On Monday, December 16, 2019, Kristina Hollie published a blog entry.

The images were posted by Kristina to the Dogspotting Facebook group, where they garnered tens of thousands of likes.

As Kristina boarded the bus, the dog was still waiting for his owner outside, but she noticed that he appeared warm and content.

The Dodo quoted her as saying, “I saw two or three other people walk past him and comment that he looked very cute and very warm.”.

By Kristina Hollie on Monday, December 16, 2019.
Shakyboi was cold, so his owner put a jacket on him while she went into the post office.

I appreciate this lady’s concern for her dog and her efforts to keep him warm!

Please tell others about this adorable tale!