Ah… early spring!

Nature is waking up slowly, day by day. Before you know it, the days will be longer, warmer and full of excitement. Everything comes alive in spring. Animals, plants, people…

the first spring flowers; Brave little heroes looking out into the cold under the remaining snow. And what is this?

Is it snowing here too? No, it’s definitely a type of flower!

But the flower does not look at you.

The flowers do not freeze even in the cold. Flowers don’t ask for help.

A Malvern, Pennsylvania woman got a special surprise this morning. Karen woke up that day and didn’t even know she was…

What flower is this?

A white dog sleeps in a field of flowers

It seemed like a normal morning. Drink a cup of coffee, get up slowly and do what you have to do.

Yes, Karen had it all planned out. He wasn’t going to look for guests in his empty flower beds.

It can’t be a flower! They don’t grow overnight. Karen came closer and noticed that the visitor was looking directly into her soul.

He was a stray dog ​​shivering in the March cold. A white dog is lying in a field of flowers

A woman came running and brought a blanket and a bowl of chicken soup to warm the frozen dog. The poor creature was wet and dirty and Karen knew there was nothing she could do to help. He needed a professional.

A short time later, she was on the phone with Nicole Asher of Buddha Dog Rescue & Recovery. Asher told the woman to bring more food so the dog could rest. No sudden movements… no sudden grabbing. To handle this dog, you had to be comfortable in an unfamiliar environment.

“Karen cooked calmly and quietly and made sure [the dog] was comfortable enough to come back,” Asher said. The women hoped the poor puppy would eventually jump into the box Asher had prepared.

I was surprised, I was surprised!

This dog was a very good girl! Asher and Karen didn’t have to wait long for the frozen puppy to jump into the box. They immediately took him to the Buddha Rescue Center to check on his broken body.

The girls saved the white dog

Of course he did!

Asher discovered the dog was participating in MatchDog Rescue’s foster program. Her name was Ella and she ran away two weeks ago. Surprisingly, Ella’s foster home was 12 miles away. The girl went from her house to Karen’s house in Malvern.

the dog sleeps on the pillow

“We were happy,” Usher wrote. “I immediately called the number and after they got over the initial shock I heard a lot of tears of joy and screams of joy. A rescue team came and took him home to rest during a stressful escape. It settled in immediately and turned into a large couch.

Well done Ella! She’s been through a lot, starting with a stray dog ​​found under a bush shortly after giving birth to her beloved pet. He had a very good trip. Now it’s time for Ella to relax, unwind and enjoy the beauty that life has to offer.