Dogs often forge friendships with various animals, from neighborhood cats to unexpected wild visitors. However, what happens when the friendship is one-sided, and the guests aren’t your typical visitors? Let’s delve into the heartwarming and surprising story of Merlin the dog and his unexpected bedfellows:

A Stormy Night

Merlin the dog and his devoted owner, Emma Jane Kidd, were seeking shelter from a stormy night. Little did they know, Merlin’s bed would soon become the center of an unusual encounter.

The Discovery

Just as they were preparing to settle in for the night, Emma was startled by unusual noises coming from Merlin’s bed. Investigating further, she discovered a family of quendas nestled under the covers. Quendas, also known as southern brown bandicoots, are small marsupials native to southern and southwestern Australia.

Meet the Quendas

Emma found not just one, but three quenda babies alongside their mother. These wild marsupials had sought refuge from the storm and found comfort in Merlin’s cozy bed. Understandably surprised, Emma and Merlin gently approached the unexpected guests. The mother quenda, startled by their presence, quickly fled, leaving her babies behind.

Taking Action

Emma, unsure of what to do next, quickly contacted the Darling Range Wildlife Shelter, a local sanctuary equipped to care for native wildlife. The shelter confirmed that while quendas are common in the area’s bushlands and yards, finding them inside a dog’s bed was indeed a rare occurrence.

A Happy Ending

The quenda babies were safely transported to the shelter, where they received the care they needed until they were old enough to be released back into the wild. This unexpected encounter left Emma and Merlin with a memorable tale to share, reminding them of the unpredictable yet beautiful connections that can occur between humans, dogs, and wildlife.


Emma and Merlin’s experience underscores the importance of being aware of the wildlife that may seek refuge in unexpected places during severe weather. It also highlights the role of wildlife shelters in providing sanctuary and care for animals in need.

In the end, Merlin and Emma were fortunate that their nocturnal visitors were harmless and endearing quendas, offering a heartwarming twist to what could have been a more challenging encounter.