Dogs are more than just pets. They are our family, our best friends, and our best friends. All we want is to make them very happy and give them a better life.

It’s sad to know that some dog owners abandon their pets. They deprive puppies of the love and security they need to be happy puppies.

The next story is about Lady, a lovely dog ​​who was also abandoned. Her family no longer wanted her, so they put her in a shelter.

Life in a shelter

Once she arrived at the shelter, Lady missed the only place she thought was her home. She turned into a sad and scared puppy who always wanted to see her owner again.

Unfortunately, over time, Lady was never adopted by her and her name ended up on her euthanasia list. She was 2 years old at that time.

Luckily, a woman named Sherry came to the shelter and met Lady. She found herself to be an adorable and happy puppy.

When she learned that Lady would be euthanized that day, she was shocked and strongly opposed her idea. She immediately called 911 and asked for Reddy’s rescue. She was sure that a dog would make someone very happy. Sherry saved Lady’s life and became her adoptive mother.

Lady Finds Her Human

At the time, Amy and her roommate wanted to have a dog. They crossed paths with Lady in a parking lot. As soon as she saw them, she ran to meet them and covered their faces with kisses.

“Lady came running out of the car. She came right up to us and she jumped all over us and she was kissing our faces. She rolled over onto her back for belly rubs and she was just the sweetest girl. We just fell in love with her immediately,” Amy said.

They were enchanted with her, and they knew right away that she was the dog that they had been looking for.

Lady became Amy’s best friend, and they became inseparable. Amy felt like Lady understood her. She wasn’t like any other dog. Lady enjoyed her new home and she felt loved and cherished like never before.

Adopting Gus

Amy always wanted to have two pups, and when she heard about Gus, she had to meet him. The rescue said that Gus suffered from anxiety, and that he even jumped through a glass window once.

Amy was determined to help Gus overcome his traumas and become the dog he was always meant to be. He stole her heart as soon as she saw his loving eyes. 

She adopted him and took him home. At first, Gus didn’t like her and he didn’t want to hang out with Lady.

His mom gave him some time to decompress and relax. Gus’s anxiety triggers were cars and being alone. Amy was very patient with him and she helped him get rid of his fears.

The turning point in their relationship was Gus’s first thunderstorm. That night, Gus was panting and drooling. He was very anxious and he ran to his mom’s arms for comfort. That was the first time the sweet canine came to his mom.

Gus also cuddled with Lady and she made him feel calm and safe. His sister consoled him and licked his face, covering him in kisses. Gus was relieved. He wasn’t afraid anymore.

Their Happily-Ever-After

Amy feels lucky to have Lady and Gus in her life. They are her family and she can’t picture her life without them. Both Lady and Gus were surrendered to a shelter. They were rejected by the people they considered their family.

“Both of these dogs, they had families, they had people that they loved bring them to the shelter and say, I don’t want you anymore. And that broke both of their hearts. So the most important thing for me is to let them know that they’re here to stay. They’re my family and I love them. I’m never leaving them.”

Lady and Gus, along with their mom, Amy, like to share updates about their life on their Instagram account. The two siblings love taking walks and snuggling with their mom. They’re living their best life and they couldn’t be happier.