While writing about abandoned dogs, I saw people abandoning them on the street, tying them up somewhere or throwing the poor puppy in a crate.
But I have never seen anyone cruelly put their dog in a plastic container, making it difficult for him to move, breathe or do anything. In this story we will tell you the very heartbreaking story of a group of puppies that were left in a crate to suffocate.
a heartbreaking scene
plastic support

It was a normal morning for Amanda Hood when something strange happened in her front yard at work. At first I thought it was a donation, but upon closer inspection of the plastic container I realized something was moving.
Hood decided to investigate, and as he got closer, he discovered that the box had a hole in it and that steam was coming from inside. She was shocked when the truth came out. There were 11 puppies in a plastic container.
puppy in a plastic container

No one working there knew how the puppies got there, but it can be assumed that someone didn’t want them and abandoned them there. Hood said to Dodo. “They were only there for about an hour. It has two small holes for ventilation, so I don’t think it will last long.
A secure future for dogs
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The woman realized that the cubs could not survive here and took them to the Humane Society, where they were cared for.
He is about 5 weeks old and looks healthy. After the regular checks, they were placed in their place at the shelter and had a great time.
“They love to eat, sleep and be held,” Hood said. They are the most adorable babies.
Problems soon arose. The host, the Calhoun County Humane Society, was over capacity and unable to care for the small dogs.
To give them a better chance at life, they had to be taken to Forever Home Dog Rescue in Illinois, where they were all placed in foster care. Although their future looks bleak, I have no doubt that these adorable puppies will find loving and caring families.