Annabelle Camp, the woman who adopted the tiny puppy, never imagined that her act of kindness would save not just one, but two lives.

This is a story that reminds us that nothing is a coincidence and that everything is part of the plan of faith.
Love at first sight

Annabelle was walking down the street in Georgia when she came across an abandoned and severely malnourished puppy.
Annabelle can’t forget about him and leave, so she decides to take him home. Even though she bathed the dog, later named Mason, and fed him good food, she knew she couldn’t keep it because her grandmother wouldn’t allow it.
“I made an agreement with my grandmother that he would go to The Humane Society as soon as they had a foster open for him. So a week maximum,” said Annabelle.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have a foster home at the time, so Mason had to be placed in a boarding school until he grew up and was strong enough to find his forever home.
His stay at boarding school was not very successful. He became ill and was hospitalized. As soon as Annabelle heard the heartbreaking news, she begged her grandmother to let Mason go home.
Fortunately, his grandmother agreed and she immediately picked him up. I was in hysterics. I had to return the child. meant to be
Once Mason and Annabelle were reunited, the puppy quickly recovered. Seeing his health improve rapidly, Annabelle began to believe he was a puppy for her.

I knew he had a purpose on this earth other than to just be my heart dog and a literal pain in the ass. And last night he proved it.
One night, Annabelle woke up to Mason standing above her head and continuously barking in her face.
Knowing that Mason loved to sleep, she jumped out of her bed, knowing that something wasn’t right.
Mason jumped down and gave me the ‘follow me’ look. He ran down the hallway (where he knows he’s not allowed) and into my grandmother’s room. I followed him into her bathroom and found him standing over her licking her face and just screaming and whining.
Since Annabelle’s grandmother had a heart condition that affected her overall health, she was lying on the floor, unconscious.
Since Annabelle’s grandmother had a heart condition that affected her overall health, she was lying on the floor, unconscious.

With Mason in the house at the time, Annabelle was able to get her grandmother’s heart beating again and avoid a very tragic outcome.
Because he knows what it’s like to save his own life, he knew he had to do the same for someone else. Although my grandmother hardly tolerated it.
Did this heroic act help Mason win the love of his grandmother Annabelle? Maybe not completely, but he’ll probably end up having more pets than he does now.
The next morning, when I told her grandmother what I had done, her grandmother exclaimed, “Thank you, Mason!” Now she strokes him every time she sees him, more than ever.

I am sure that with time, Mason will convince his grandmother that he means no harm and just wants to be loved and appreciated.