9-year-old Zubaida Hasan lived a typical childhood in a small Afghan village.

But in 2001, everything abruptly changed. It suddenly erupted, lighting the small gas stove in her house. She caught fire, with disastrous results.

Her face melted into her chest, and one of her arms became tethered to it. ZuA nearby doctor informed Zubaida’s fatherhat she had no chance of surviving and had been warned of this.

However, Zubaida’s father was adamant that his daughter live, and as a result, truly miraculous things happened.

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Doctors said there was nothing they could do after the terrible catastrophe. They suggested that he bring the child home, put her to sleep, and then leave her to perish.

But Zubaida’s father persisted and decided to take a chance. He brought Zubaida there in Kabul, Afghanistan, despite the fact that the US military hospital rarely accepts civilian patients.

The local medical staff, however, granted an exception and admitted the girl after seeing the extent of her suffering.

Peter Grossman, a burns expert and plastic surgeon, began treating Zubaida soon after she arrived in the country.

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Many Zubaida’s body parts had to be used as skin donors for these procedures.

Zubaida proved to be incredibly resilient and strong for someone so young. Zubaida and Dr Grossman grew close due to his attraction to her.

The plastic surgeon and his wife invited her into their home and helped her through her trying time.

After 12 weeks, Zubaida was fluent in English, enrolled in a nearby school, and had made many new friends.

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After just a year, Zubaida’s face was fixed, and with the help of the medical team’s commitment and her willpower, she could sing, play the guitar, and dance once more.

The girl was given a second chance in life even though her initial doctors thought she was a hopeless case, and her transformation was unmatched!

Please forward this story to your friends so they can read about the fantastic efforts made by everyone to get Zubaida to smile once more.