A police officer was seated alone at a nearby table when 9-year-old Noah and his mother were eating breakfast at Denny’s.

The moment Noah felt nervous. Although he was certain of what he wanted to do, he was unsure of what it should be.

He started thinking of a plan after telling his mother that the police officer had been seen.

9-year-old boy hands a note to an unknown policeman in a restaurant.

When Noah was younger, he had aspirations of becoming a police officer. He went to Officer Eddie Benitez and said hello, asking his mother for permission.

Of course, his mother agreed, but when Noah started to approach Eddie, he became so fearful that he dared not speak. A few minutes later, he came up with a new plan to get the officer to get up from his seat.

Noah had some cash set aside for his birthday, and he wanted to use it to buy Eddie breakfast.


The waitress was informed of the plan by his mother, Amanda, who gave the signal. After they paid Eddie’s charge, Noah left a message on the receipt.

After grabbing the receipt, Noah approached the officer.

Eddie saw the kid coming towards him and wondered why he had his receipt, but he soon understood what was going on. When the young boy realized what he had written, he leaped out of his seat and posed for a photo with his new fan.

Eddie was deeply moved by Noah’s kindness, and he still keeps the note he wrote him in his wallet.

9-year-old boy hands a note to an unknown policeman in a restaurant.

It was very important. It said I must get out of bed every morning, put on my uniform, and do my work. Do you realize what that means? It means that I have to keep trying to be a good role model for all of these young men.

The Lakeland Police Department, who employed Eddie, posted a photo of Noah and Eddie on their Facebook page as a result of how much the story moved them.

The positive response Noah received for his thoughtful gesture has made him want to become a police officer more than ever.

Do not hesitate to click the “Like” button if you concur that this was a lovely way to honor our police department.