This is a terrible and lovely love story. Liz Goodman and Matt Logelin had a child together after first meeting, falling in love, and having a child together, but Liz died soon after giving birth. It was really inspiring what Matt accomplished after she died.

Liz and Matt met by chance at the gas station, despite the fact that they were both raised in Minnetonka, Minnesota, and that their true love story started there.

In their senior year of high school, Liz and Matt first met. He was drawn to Liz, and the two of them grew close.

As their graduation date approached, they had to admit that they were enrolled in colleges all over the country. Matt remained at the University of Minnesota while Liz traveled to California. This caused the two high school lovers to part ways.

The couple persisted and remained together throughout their studies, so the distance didn’t matter to them. Matt considered going to graduate school. D. after receiving his master’s degree from Loyola University of Chicago, he soon realized he should trust his gut more than his intellect.

He realized he could no longer bear to be so far away from his love in 2005, so he packed up his belongings and moved to Los Angeles, which was halfway across the country. After that, the two kept leading active, fulfilling lives.

They created memories, had adventures, and discovered more about one another and their surroundings. When Matt realized that this was it, he proposed to Liz by kneeling down in Nepal.

Liz and Matt exchanged lifetime commitment vows on August 13, 2005 in front of their loved ones. It was thrilling to see these couples grab life and their passion by the horns.

The young couple seemed to be content in every way with their lives. They were happier than ever, not only in their romantic relationships but also in their professional lives.

Liz worked for Disney as a financial specialist while Matt worked for Yahoo! in California as a project manager. After that, everything only got better. After being married for two years in 2007, the couple made the decision to start a family, and they were overjoyed to find out Liz was expecting their first child!

To inform their Minnesota-based friends and family about Liz’s pregnancy development, Liz and Matt made the decision to start a blog.

The couple couldn’t wait any longer for the arrival of their first child, but Liz’s pregnancy proved difficult. Due to her severe morning sickness, her doctor advised her to stay in bed for a few weeks.
Despite the challenges, Liz and Matt maintained a positive attitude the entire time Liz was pregnant.


Matt nervously observed Liz’s every move as her pregnancy progressed.
He was upset to see his normally vibrant and active wife in bed.


Liz was advised to remain in bed for a few more weeks after being admitted to the hospital. While the process was going on, Matt kept updating their recently established blog. What he would soon need to publish on the website was unknown to him.

Liz was twice taken to the delivery room due to false alarms because her pregnancy was considered to be high risk. She arrived every time at least seven weeks early. The doctors kept a close eye on her, not wanting to take any chances.

The couple welcomed Madeline (Maddy) Logelin into their family two months before she was due due to arrive via emergency C-section. Life was about to change for Liz and Matt Logelin on March 24, 2008. The baby girl’s weight at birth was 3 pounds, 14 ounces.

Liz had just a moment to enjoy the adorable baby daughter of the delighted new parents before emergency personnel rushed her to the newborn intensive care unit. Liz couldn’t hold their daughter right away because she had to be kept under observation for 24 hours following delivery.

Liz was ready and eager to see her newborn girl who was now awake and healthy since everything had been finished. Liz arrived in a wheelchair at the ward.

Matt could understand his disappointment when his wife suddenly felt dizzy and passed out because they were eager to finally have some mother-child time together.

As soon as the nurses were asked about it, they clarified that new mothers frequently experienced this. Matt calmed down and they could enjoy their time together again.

Matt remembered that everything was going well before they had to execute a code blue. He said, and he started crying, that people were rushing around. Soon after giving birth to their daughter Madeline, Liz unexpectedly passed away from a pulmonary embolism.

It left Matt a widower, which made him sad. The pregnant blog was supposed to be happy, but after Liz died, it turned into a very depressing place. In just one day, Matt’s life underwent a significant transformation.

Matt’s worst grieving period came in the first few weeks following the death of his wife. He would remember the moment when he couldn’t take off his wedding ring and it permanently altered his life. He often questioned how he would function without Liz.

On the way home, he encountered challenges, and Liz’s memory followed him everywhere. Matt would be upfront when visitors inquired about Madeline’s mother, telling them that she had passed away soon after the child was born. Even getting out of the house was challenging.

The only thing keeping him going was the knowledge that Madeline needed him and that she shared some of his beloved wife’s spirit. Matt was determined to give her the best life possible despite his grief. Then he started posting on the neighborhood newspaper’s parenting discussion board. However, his journey didn’t end there.

Maddy Logelin turned 10 on March 24th, 2018. Ten years earlier, on the same day, her mother Liz had tragically passed away. Her father, family, and friends have done everything in their power to encircle her with love and happiness despite her traumatic past.

Matt’s blog posts have become less public as Maddy has grown older. Over the years, Maddy has learned a lot about her mother from tales and pictures, and her interest in her has only risen.

She constantly asks her late mother’s partner about their past pursuits, and one day innocently asked her father, “Daddy, did you hold my mommy’s hand when she passed away.”.

Despite Matt’s best efforts, the incident from that day will always be remembered despite his straightforward explanation to his young daughter. After the conversation, Maddy said she loved her father, and Matt recalled that this was just the thing he needed to hear. I love you too, Maddy,” he added. ”.