To save Rambo, his 2-year-old Weimaraner, Jaxon Feeley says he will do anything. That includes offering his home for sale in order to cover the shocking $24,000 in vet bills he now owes after the cherished dog went into hypovolemic shock. Due to the severe blood loss or other fluid loss that results in this condition, it is a life-threatening condition. Because of this, the heart cannot effectively pump blood throughout the body.

The pet owner, who obviously adores his dog, said: “She started vomiting throughout the night over 30 times, and by Saturday morning we were in the emergency vet. “To add to the already stressful situation, the poor dog developed stomach flu. more commonly referred to as gastroenteritis, which gradually worsened her general health.

Rambo was in intensive care for ten days.

In Wigan, England, Feeley holds a position as a local prison guard. To ask the public for assistance in saving his pet and best friend, he has set up a GoFundMe page. His insurance didn’t quite cover enough of the expensive treatment. “Up to £6500 was covered by Rampage’s insurance. Following one week in care, her bill has increased to £11,500. “He uttered.

The length of Rambo’s stay at the vet’s office is unknown, and a day’s worth of intensive care costs about £1,000. I need to be able to cover Rambo’s major surgery and post-operative care costs if the worst happens and he needs major surgery. “He continued.

Jaxon Feeley/Facebook provided the photo.

Rambo racked up astronomical vet bills during the first week of his treatment.

Rambo, poor Rambo, started her treatment with vomiting, which led to a significant buildup of fluid in her lungs. She subsequently got a lung infection, which further deteriorated her health. A lung collapsed after the infection developed into pneumonia. According to the vet, Rambo couldn’t have been any more unlucky as a result of what transpired, said Mr. Dot Feeley. “.

“The initial cause is still unknown, but Rambo is currently in a position where she is being monitored round-the-clock in intensive care. In order to drain Rambo’s lungs and keep an eye on the infection there, the vets are currently trying to do so continuously. as you evaluate the amount of bacteria in the liquid that is being drained out. Rambo is still throwing up as a result of the numerous medications she is taking and hasn’t had any food for a week. Read about 10 situations where people had to choose their pets over their partners and how they fared.

For the puppy, things didn’t appear to be getting any better just yet.

The concern is that it’s possible that an abscess has developed on Rambo’s lung, which would necessitate extensive surgery to treat. For a few days, while Rambo hopefully starts to respond to treatment, veterinarians cannot determine whether this is the case or not. But if it is, which is my greatest worry, Rambo’s life is in grave danger. If I didn’t give her the best opportunity to survive this terrible circumstance, I could never forgive myself. He uttered, “.

Jaxon Feeley/Facebook provided the photo.

To help with Rambo’s medical expenses, more than 600 people have contributed.

Mr. To ensure his constant proximity, Feeley is sleeping in his car outside the practice. He reported that the staggering $24,000 in vet expenses had been incurred. By contributing more than $12,000 to her care, the neighborhood has miraculously survived. It merely serves as proof that if you approach the right people, assistance might arrive.

It appears that a miracle actually did occur.

Since then, an update has been released with some remarkably encouraging information. After “pulling off a miracle,” the dog has returned home. “Over the last three days, Rambo has pulled off a miracle,” he said. “Hour by hour, she has increased her oxygen efficiency, started eating and drinking, and her lungs are gradually recovering. We are also starting to see that sweet little personality resurface. “.

“She established a routine where she would see me for 10 minutes every four hours, to the point where she even knew which corner of the waiting room I was in. He continued, “The staff at the vets have been astounded by the power of love, presence, and true fight for life. We have performed every test known to man and have watched her incredible progress over the past few days. “.

Photo courtesy of Jaxon Feeley via Facebook.

They have both returned home together.

I was nothing short of s*t myself—and I still am—when they told me she could go home. My little angel is by no means all better, it will be a long road to recovery for her, and she still requires 24/7 observation as well as a substantial amount of medication at this point. However, we fulfilled our promise and returned home. The ecstatic owner continued.

“There was no way in hell I was ever going to give up on this gorgeous girl. She is just a little baby with a desire to live and be happy with her big brother Rocky and the Feeleys. My gratitude for everyone’s love, support, and donations over the past two weeks is beyond words. More than you can ever imagine, it truly means. As this man obviously adores his dog, we sincerely hope that Rambo and Jaxon spend many more years together.

Instagram user @jaxryderfeeley is credited with this picture.

If you end up with a hefty vet bill, pet owners can find assistance.

Currently, health-focused credit cards are offered. Care Credit offers healthcare financing that can be used for both human and animal medical treatments if you find yourself in over your head with vet bills. Bad debt generally won’t work in your favor because credit is granted based on your credit score. Scratch Pay is yet another choice for a payment plan. They provide an online payment option. Many more pet owners would be eligible because they don’t consider your overall credit score. However, to qualify, the veterinary clinic must be listed with Scratch Pay, so always make sure to confirm this with them beforehand.

Loans, crowdfunding, and even charitable organizations are just a few of the many additional options that could be helpful. If the cost of your pet’s medications rises, it’s a good idea to compare prices because some pharmacies are more affordable than others. A prime example is Chewy. On a range of drugs and treatments, they provide very competitive pricing. Some pharmacies will accept the GoodRx loyalty card for additional product discounts.

Pet insurance is the last, and arguably most important. They provide options like accident-only and accident and illness packages, much like human health insurance. They offer a wallet of savings for these circumstances, so if you don’t have anything set aside for unanticipated emergencies, this would be a very good option for you. But always read the small print because not all packages are created equally and some call for upfront payment and claim submission later. Continue reading: “My Mom Can’t Keep Me”: Animal Shelter Shares Heartbreaking Note Left with Abandoned Dog.