Jennifer Aniston seems to experience no difficulty pondering her Companions days, whether through profound cast reunions or incredible scene amusements. The entertainer has uncovered what she bought with her most memorable Companions check – the most Rachel Green ever purchased.

During a meeting with PopSugar in April 2023, the entertainer described her “first large lavish expenditure” after appearing on the influential ’90s parody as a “Mercedes that had an available to be purchased sign on it for very nearly two years.” ” There was a little white 280 SL Mercedes there for quite a while,” Aniston added. It might have required over two years. I kept telling myself, “I can’t wait, someday, someday,” to myself. So, one day I bought it.

However, the actor’s ideal automobile needed to meet her expectations. After that, I drove it multiple times. She stated, “It never drove again.” Because it was a lemon, it sat there. What’s more, I had no real option except to get it watched out since I didn’t have the foggiest idea about any better… so it was a brilliant 25-year-old screw-up.”

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One TikTok user referred to the purchase as “such a Rachel Green thing to do,” Friends fans were quick to express their regret over the actor’s salary. In the interim, another admirer said, “The way that it had been staying there for quite a long time ought to have been a warning.”

Even though it wasn’t the best financial move, Aniston made up for it with a lucrative Friends contract, which paid her a whopping $1 million per episode for the show’s final two seasons.

Aniston and her former Friends co-stars continue to earn millions annually from the show even though it ended in 2004. USA Today indicates that Warner Siblings makes $1 billion yearly from the series through partnership freedoms. Every superstar gets just 2% of that aggregate, which might appear irrelevant but amounts to $20 million for each cast part yearly.