It is becoming increasingly simple to believe that people can find a reason to be offended by almost anything today.

Even though it might be a stretch to refer to this generation as the “snowflake generation,” there is a tangible sense of change that is currently permeating the world.

This is a good thing in some cases; some things used to be considered the norm and have no place in modern society. However, there are other times when one cannot help but feel that our desire to police one another is too much.

One Oklahoma alcohol store wound up at this intersection after setting up a sign that started shock…

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While we as a whole need to live in a world liberated from bias, disdain, and harassment, I accept we can all concur there is a qualification between getting rid of genuinely terrible things and acting upset to deliver the shows.

It is standard for people to be “outed” for anything they say or does on the internet. Midwest Wine and Spirits in Oklahoma discovered this after posting a sign in their window that read, “Pull your pants up or don’t come in.” It only takes a few clicks to become the contentious centre of an internet storm.

The notice said, “Try to have some decency and respect for others.” No one wants your underwear.

It doesn’t appear to be so objectionable on the surface. They are not explicitly criticising any group or discriminating based on political, religious, or other beliefs.

Regardless, a few groups were offended by the sign and the store’s conviction that they had the power to let others know what they couldn’t wear.

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The sign was quickly uploaded to the internet, allowing online debate to continue. They did not stop there either.

The spectacle, according to sources, quickly went viral. One of the store managers, Chad Gilbert, said, “I realise wearing pants low is a fashion statement for some, but it doesn’t work for me, and I find it somewhat offensive” in support of the sign.

“Usually, when people come in with their pants sagging, it is easier for them to steal bottles,” a store employee stated.

A client in the neighbourhood, Sunshine Weatherby, stated, “I can see if it was like a church.” This is a liquor store so you might be bothered by the families there. A liquor store has experienced something worse.

What do you think about the discussion? Is it improper for the liquor store to put up the sign? Or, on the other hand, are individuals overstating it? Please let us know in the section for comments.

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