Barack Obama is in mourning following the death of a family member. He informed the press that the family’s dog had died. The dog was regarded as a family member and adored by all.

Bo was a member of the president’s family for over ten years and died at twelve. Barack Obama is devastated by this defeat!

“Today, our family lost a true friend and faithful companion,” he posted on his Twitter account. For over a decade, Bo was a steady, gentle presence in our life, pleased to see us on our good days, bad days, and every day in between “.

The loss of the former president has “touched” the world, particularly those who have a pet and understand how devastating this loss is.

Michelle Obama also wanted to properly declare their loss on Instagram since Bo was a faithful family member and deserves to be memorialised and remembered. “This afternoon was a challenging one for our family,” she wrote in an emotional letter. “After a fight with cancer, we bid goodbye to our dearest friend – our dog, Bo.”

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Bo, a Portuguese water dog and President Barack Obama’s household pet was shown in the White House Rose Garden on Monday, June 13, 2011.

“Bo was a consistent, soothing presence in our life for more than a decade. When the girls got home from school, he greeted them with a wag. He was there when Barack and I needed a break, sauntering into one of our desks as if he owned it, a ball firmly clenched in his teeth,” she recounted.

“No one was happier than Bo this past year, with everyone back home throughout the pandemic. “I will always be grateful that Bo and the daughters got to spend so much time together at the end,” the former first lady said, “all his folks were under one roof again—just like the day we received him.”

“As a family, we shall miss Bo terribly,” she added. But we are grateful he enjoyed a happy life full of snuggles, fetch games, and afternoons spent resting on the couch.”

Bo became a member of the Obama family in 2009 as a present for the president’s two daughters, Sasha and Malia. He was named after the father of the former first lady.

According to the former president, Bo was just what the family needed and arrived at the appropriate time. All will miss BO.